Evanna Lynch is an Irish actress, vegan and the creator and host of The ChickPeeps Podcast. She grew up in Co.Louth, Ireland, with two sisters, a brother and more cats than friends, something for which she need not be pitied, but rather envied. She became known as an actress at age 14 for playing Luna Lovegood in the Harry Potter films.
Evanna went vegetarian at the age of 11 for the animals, and then transitioned to veganism in 2014. She created the ChickPeeps in 2017 from an urge to ply longterm vegans and activists with questions, to share their collective wisdom with the world, and to cultivate a sense of community on an oft socially alienating path. She also co-hosts Just Beings, with Dr. Melanie Joy.
Evanna is also a writer, and published her first book The Opposite of Butterfly Hunting in 2021.
She hopes the ChickPeeps will help showcase the vegan lifestyle in a positive, joyful light and remind people that compassion for humans and animals alike is at the heart of the movement. She lives in London with her beloved feline friend, Puff.
An intense and slightly awkward child, Robbie grew up on the south coast of England. After a discouraging number of set backs while attempting to unlock the ability to fly, Robbie reluctantly gave up on becoming a superhero. Fortunately, his desire to wear costumes to work and a wanton disregard for financial stability meant he was ideally suited to a career as an actor. Robbie works in tv, film and theatre, and is especially known for his work on Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Locked up Abroad, All is By My Side and Harley and the Davidsons.
Robbie went vegan in 2014. He has so far been astonished to discover that he hasn't developed a protein deficiency or kale addiction. He is the resident 'Tech Goblin' of The ChickPeeps and is usually to blame for any technical difficulties experienced by the team. He enjoys inappropriate jokes, sporting events of any kind, working out and cats! He has been described as the Chickpeeps' host 'most likely to receive complaints', which he considered a compliment.
Momoko's vegan story started 8 years ago with an all-encompassing 'peace begins on your plate' attractivism approach, with her love for animals being the core motivation from day one. Now, in 2023, she regards being vegan as one integral piece of the bigger picture of living consciously, in harmony with oneself, the planet and others.
She lives in Cornwall, where she is nurturing her dream of growing her own fruits and vegetables, understanding how to take care of soil and slowly fostering a burgeoning desire to learn to surf. Essentially, living a peaceful, soulful and simple life, close to the land (or ocean!) and away from screens as much as possible. Her long-term dream is to find a few acres with her partner (possibly in Europe) and to build a beautiful eco-community and retreat space with like-minded people, with enough room to take care of rescue chickens and pigs!
Momoko left Instagram, Facebook and Twitter in 2022, after many years of social media addiction, to pursue a life off-the-grid, but you can find her intimate long-form life musings and updates in her weekly newsletter over at ohmomoko.com. She hosts S.O.S - Seven Off-Socials, a 7-day guided social media break to help people re-connect to the real world, as well as offering soulful support through Numerology readings, 121 coaching and consciously sourced crystals.
Tylor Starr prides himself on the labels he feels define him: non-theistic Satanist, animal rights activist, Slytherin, and straight edge.
Tylor went vegan in January of 2012 after watching the documentary Earthlings - a film he would watch every other day for months after to be reminded of who he was fighting to protect. His full-time work in animal rights began in 2012 when he joined PETA working in youth outreach as a senior strategist to mobilize young people for animal liberation.
In addition to his work on The ChickPeeps, Tylor is an animal rights expert, creator and co-founder of the wizarding-inspired animal rights charity The Protego Foundation, and co-host and producer of the Radicals & Revolutionaries podcast. He is deeply engaged in other forms of social justice activism like fighting theocracy, protecting LGBTQIA2S+ rights, and more. He is also the co-author of The Unofficial Harry Potter Vegan Cookbook.
He currently lives in his hometown of Greeley, Colorado, with his partner, Danielle, and their beloved rescue pup, Roxy. To follow Tylor’s work, visit tylorstarr.com.