S2, Ep3: Zero Waste Veganism with Max La Manna

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This week, The ChickPeeps are doing their darndest to learn about ways we can live a sustainably vegan life, and who better to discuss that with than zero-waste vegan chef, sustainability advocate, environmentalist and author, Max La Manna! Max has inspired thousands of people across the world to reduce their food waste and this episode he shows Momo and Evy how practical and fun a zero-waste lifestyle can be, and surmises on some the weird and wonderful ways we can use repurpose everything from avocado pits to banana skins. Also on this episode...

  • Max shares about his early forays into veganism and how to be a good closet vegan.

  • How Max’s interest in zero waste living started by looking in his own fridge.

  • How to use every last morsel of the avocado, though it may result in death!

  • Max shares some unusual beauty tips for living in the wild.

  • We’re already vegan - what else can we be doing to reduce our carbon footprint?

  • Being a sustainable vegan in the city - what do we do if we can’t compost?

  • What impact does reducing food waste in the home have?

  • How do we get excited about adopting sustainable practices.

  • Mindful practices for avoiding environmentalism fatigue - Max explains the 48 hour challenge he does every week to maintain a clear and positive mindset.!

  • ChickPeeps Zero Waste Challenge - Momo is a sustainability queen while Evy outs herself as a recovering hedonist.


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S2, Ep2: Joyful Veganism with Colleen Patrick Goudreau

This episode is brought to you by Vivo Life!  Use our code 'chickpeeps10' to get 10% off your order at vivolife.com!

This week on The ChickPeeps, Evy speaks to renowned author, speaker, activist and all-around dazzlingly joyful vegan, Colleen Patrick Goudreau about learning how best to discuss and share our vegan values with others. Colleen also reveals insights on the importance of incorporating joy into one’s personal vegan lifestyle, and shares her passion for animal-related etymology and her conviction that we need to be mindful about using language that doesn’t normalise animal abuse. Also on this episode…

  • Why be a joyful vegan?

  • Bearing witness as a vegan activist - Are we betraying the animals if we choose not to share or look at images of violent animal abuse?

  • What is the most responsible way to channel one’s anger as a new vegan?

  • The role of vulnerability in sharing your vegan values.

  • ‘Veganism is the way to reach our goal of being as compassionate as we can; the goal is not to be as vegan as we can be, the goal is to be as compassionate as we can be.’

  • Colleen coaches Evy through how to approach and handle a conflict about veganism with a family member.

  • Colleen is the vegan therapist we all need!

  • ‘Do your work and step back’. Colleen shares how she releases the urge to control how the information she’s sharing is being received.

  • Communicating your message so that people will listen: ‘Do you want to be right or do you want to be effective?’

  • ‘Pizza’ or ‘Vegan pizza’: Evy and Tylor discuss listener Uma’s question on whether or not we should be declaring our veganism at every meal.



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S2, Ep1: Effective Activism with Earthling Ed

This episode is brought to you by Vivo Life! Use our code 'chickpeeps10' to get 10% off your order at vivolife.com!

Back to our regular Wednesday weekly slot, we, The ChickPeeps, find ourselves wildly keen to discuss the past year in vegan news - the updates, controversies, victories and progress, and who better to mull that over than with the exceptionally erudite animal rights’ activist, Earthling Ed. A much loved returning guest from season 1, Ed is vegan educator, public speaker and co-founder of Surge and The Official Animal Rights March. The past year has seen him spreading the vegan message to Ivy League students across America and opening his own non-profit vegan diner, and this week he takes time to pause and reflect on where the vegan movement is in the public consciousness now.

Also on this episode...

  • Is veganism winning?

  • What the Ivy League students have to say about veganism.

  • Is there space for joy in activism and how do we balance our personal lives with activism?

  • Should we all be full time activists?

  • How much is the government helping/hindering the animal rights movement?

  • Robbie and Ed go head to head in a battle for the title of nerdiest vegan as they share who reads the most science and medical journals.

  • Ed explains his reasoning for skulking around farmers chat rooms under the alias Farmer Ed (joke).

  • Ed has a surprising suggestion for the person he’d most like to see go vegan…


Social Media:

Twitter: @ChickPeepsPod

Instagram: @ChickPeepsPod

Facebook: @ChickPeepsPodcast

Momoko Hill: @oh_momoko

Robbie Jarvis: @robbjarvis

Tylor Starr: @tylorstarr

Evanna Lynch: @msevylynch

S2: ChickPeeps Catch-up!

Hello, Season 2! The ChickPeeps are back! In this season 2 catch-up episode, your old friends, the ChickPeeps' co-hosts, aka, Evy, Momo, Robbie and Tylor return to pod-land to chat about the past year in our vegan lives, what’s new on the vegan scene and some triumphs - personal and public - in the vegan world!

Also on this episode…

  • We share what we’ve been up to for the past ChickPeep-less year.

  • Momo manifests a near-fatal bird appearance.

  • Vegan chocolate is everywhere which is problematic for Evy

  • Robbie is still an angry vegan and Tylor is back working in the animal rights world!

  • We discuss the major focus on environmentalism in the media and how that is putting veganism more in the spotlight - or is it? How do we broach the subject of veganism with people who keep posting videos of Greta Thunberg but saying nothing about transitioning to veganism?

  • We the backlash against veganism this year from some prominent vegan influencers. Should we be practicing the same patience we have with non vegans (pre-gans?) or is it important to be a bit more forceful in discussing the topic with ex-vegans?

  • We share our intentions for things we want to focus on throughout season 2.

  • Stay spangly…

Social Media




Momoko Hill:@oh_momoko

Robbie Jarvis:@robbjarvis

Tylor Starr:@tylorstarr

Evanna Lynch:@msevylynch

Ep 32: Season 1 Finale

For the finale of season 1, all ChickPeeps gather to reflect on the past 8 months and discuss the guests who have altered our respective outlooks on vegan life. We discuss our summer activism plans and share our personal weekly sources of vegan inspiration to see you through the rest of the summer!

The ChickPeeps' Recommends:

Check out The ChickPeeps' favourite vegan podcasts:

Keep up with The ChickPeeps!

Twitter: @ChickPeepsPod

Instagram: @ChickPeepsPod

Facebook: @ChickPeepsPodcast

Momoko Hill: @oh_momoko

Robbie Jarvis: @robbjarvis

Tylor Starr: @tylorstarr

Evanna Lynch: @msevylynch

Ep 31: Why Choose Vegan with Erik Marcus

For the penultimate episode of season 1, The ChickPeeps have a discussion on how the ethical argument for veganism is the core tenet of the vegan ideology. Erik Marcus, author, blogger and activist, shares his studies on the reasons to be vegan and explains some of the main ideas in animal rights philosophy. Also on this episode...

  • Erik suggest that the health benefits of following a vegan diet is not the strongest argument to make in favour of veganism.
  • ‘It’s probable that most of the suffering and cruelty tied to the meat, dairy and egg industry arises from how the animals are raised rather than how they are killed.’
  • Erik talks about the history of factory farming and why the conditions in which animals are raised has steadily worsened.
  • ‘The chances of the hen who laid your egg having her life end in a halfway decent, non violent way are essentially zero.’
  • What is Speciesism?
  • How to talk about speciesism in relation to other social justice movements in a non provocative manner.
  • Why Erik doesn’t like or use the term ‘carnist’.
  • ‘If there’s one thing that we need to avoid at all costs it’s ever coming off like we are judging or insulting the people we are trying to win over.’
  • The utilitarian argument for veganism.
  • How to speak to non vegans about veganism with compassion and respect.
  • ‘All I can do is to be respectful, to find common ground and to offer really solid, really accurate information that is in alignment with a high integrity argument.’


Why Choose Vegan by Erik Marcus

An Introduction to Animal Rights and Animal Welfare by Erik Marcus

Follow Erik on Twitter and Facebook.

Social Media

Twitter: @ChickPeepsPod

Instagram: @ChickPeepsPod

Facebook: @ChickPeepsPodcast

Momoko Hill: @oh_momoko

Robbie Jarvis: @robbjarvis

Tylor Starr: @tylorstarr

Evanna Lynch: @msevylynch