In this episode Evy and Robbie meet Sean O’Callaghan a.k.a. Fat Gay Vegan and learn about his hugely popular and all-encompassing philosophy on veganism, gender roles and equality in general.  Sean is a blogger, author and activist who has just finished his first book and also runs a weekly vegan market at Hackney Downs in London.  Sean highlights the importance of language when it comes to activism.  Also on this episode…

  • Sean explains that you don’t need to love animals in order to be vegan.  Evy is shocked that he isn’t immediately in love with Puff!
  • We learn about Sean's journey to veganism and activism.
  • Be a good advertisement for vegans!
  • Sean gives advice to a listener on how to talk about veganism to her non-vegan boyfriend.
  • Sean suggests that there are some people who would never go vegan.
  • We discuss the importance joining a vegan community.
  • Robbie gets a lesson on ‘toxic’ masculinity.
  • Evy announces the winner of our Magical Christmas Gift Basket, courtesy of Peta2.
  • We also launch a new competition to win five copies of Sean’s brand new book!


Sean's New Book (UK): Fat Gay Vegan; Eat, Drink & Live

Sean's New Book (US): Fat Gay Vegan; Eat, Drink & Live

Fat Gay Vegan Twitter: @FatGayVegan

Fat Gay Vegan Instagram: @FatGayVegan

Fat Gay Vegan Facebook: @FatGayVegan

Pat McAuley's vegan podcast on which Robbie mentions he & Evy were guests this week: Eat Green, Make Green Podcast


Social Media

Twitter: @ChickPeepsPod

Instagram: @ChickPeepsPod

Facebook: @ChickPeepsPodcast

Momoko Hill: @oh_momoko

Robbie Jarvis: @robbjarvis

Tylor Starr: @tylorstarr

Evanna Lynch: @msevylynch


In this week’s episode Momo and Evy delve into the idea of veganism as a core tenet of one’s spiritual practice. A lot of vegans feel that, karmically speaking, consuming products derived from violence and suffering corrupts our own energy, and their vegan lifestyle is a reflection of this belief. We interview Writer and Wayshower, Ollie Wylde who shares experiences of her work healing animals and how we can acquaint ourselves with our own personal animal spirit guides. Also on this episode...

  • We discuss the concept of Ahimsa, the practice of non-violence.
  • The role of prayer in vegan activism.
  • Momo shares her crystal expertise and explains why they are ‘fruit and vegetables for the soul’.
  • Horse-whispering with Ollie.
  • Animals as Spirit Guides.
  • Do hunters and people who don’t empathise with animals also have animal spirit guides?
  • ‘If we as humans learned to be as forgiving as animals, we’d solve a lot of our problems’.
  • Why do some spiritual leaders not incorporate veganism into their spiritual practice?
  • ‘A spiritual teacher or leader should only ever lead you back to yourself. They’re here to remind you about the truth that your soul already knows’.
  • Pets or rather ‘furry roommates, and what they teach us.
  • When pets aren’t vegan.
  • ‘The circle of life has been interrupted by humans and that’s a byproduct of us trying to domesticate the wild, and we have to deal with that the best we can.
  • Listener shoutouts
  • A Magical Christmas Giveaway!


Ollie's website

Ollie Wylde's Instagram: @mydogmyguru

'Animal Wisdom' by Linda Bender

PETA2 Magical Gift Basket

Social Media

Twitter: @ChickPeepsPod

Instagram: @ChickPeepsPod

Facebook: @ChickPeepsPodcast

Momoko Hill: @oh_momoko

Robbie Jarvis: @robbjarvis

Tylor Starr: @tylorstarr

Evanna Lynch: @msevylynch


This week The ChickPeeps take a more serious turn as we investigate the issue with dairy and exactly why vegans don’t consume it. Many non-vegans argue that taking its milk doesn’t hurt cows and that in fact milking actually relieves the cow. We explore the reasons why this is a myth, and discuss the results of quitting dairy products entirely. We also interview two of the founders of Animal Equality, and creators of the groundbreaking iAnimal project, Jose Valle and Sharon Nunez, who recount in vivid detail the experiences they’ve had on dairy farms and the typical life of a dairy cow. Also on this episode...

  • Is there more suffering in a glass of milk?
  • ’You’re not lactose intolerant, you’re just not a baby cow.’
  • The gifts/health benefits cows give you when you stop eating their secretions.
  • Evy expresses her frustration with evolution to provide cows with adequate weaponry - why no fanged cows yet?
  • Momo suggests carving holes in animals is probably not to their liking.
  • Why do people think calcium is synonymous with dairy milk? 
  • The Chickpeeps discuss their favourite dairy substitutes.
  • Is dairy a feminist issue?
  • How Animal Equality was founded.
  • Jose shares how the iAnimal project was conceived.
  • Tylor: ’These Animals are children who are then forced to have children who are then taken away just so we can drink their milk.’
  • Is there an ethical way to consume dairy?
  • The future for dairy farms.


A Vegan Guide to Calcium

Animal Equality Website: animalequality.org

Virtual Reality Experience of the Lives of Farmed Animals: ianimal360.com.

Help and Tips for Going Vegan: loveveg.com and loveveg.uk

Animal Equality's Instagram: @animalequality

Love Veg Instagram: @love veg_us

Animal Equality's Twitter: @animalequality

Animal Equality's Facebook: @animalequality

Social Media

Twitter: @ChickPeepsPod

Instagram: @ChickPeepsPod

Facebook: @ChickPeepsPodcast

Momoko Hill: @oh_momoko

Robbie Jarvis: @robbjarvis

Tylor Starr: @tylorstarr

Evanna Lynch: @msevylynch


‘Where do vegans get their protein from?’ is probably a question you’ll hear often as a vegan, and perhaps one you’ve ruminated on yourself. Fortunately, insufficient protein in plant-food diets is a myth devised entirely by a misled non-vegan society, and even more fortunately we have two vegan fitness-buffs on today’s episode, both distinctly NOT lacking in protein, to show us that it’s possible to build strength and muscle with plant foods alone. Listen in as the ChickPeeps chat to the incredible IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Nimai Delgado, and Personal Trainer and Lifestyle coach, Bianca Taylor, who are challenging the vegan stereotype. Also on this episode…


  • Robbie and Evy talk about their fitness routines and how going vegan affected their attitude to health and fitness.
  • Nimai discusses being a lifelong vegetarian.
  • He shares insights into his Hindu heritage and being raised Hindu in the deep south.
  • ‘Being a child vegetarian taught me a lot of acceptance, it taught me a lot of patience growing up.’
  • Bianca explains how she found veganism at a point in her life when she was ‘searching for something bigger to live for.’
  • How finding veganism helped Bianca recover from an eating disorder and heal her relationship to food.
  • What the hec is a ‘macro’?
  • Nimai explores just how much protein we all need and how we can in fact thrive on much less protein than is recommended.
  • Why we shouldn’t demonise carbs and fats (hoorayyy!)
  • Bianca: ‘I don’t consider it a diet, it’s a lifestyle.’
  • Supplements: Bianca and Nimai share what you need to supplement for an optimal vegan diet (‘It’s more for insurance than a deficiency.’)
  • Tips on cultivating a healthy relationship to the gym and making it a passion rather than an obsession.
  • Nimai’s ‘Mr.Olypmia’ goals!
  • Evy’s favourite fitness advice: ’Just eat the cookie.’
  • Does being vegan help this world? Nimai has done the math…
  • Go-to quick pre-workout meals.
  • Bianca’s favourite smoothie recipe.
  • A helpful tip on not blowing up your nutribullet.


Sign up to Nimai's new Vegan Fitness Website!

Bianca's website

Nimai's Instagram: @nimai_delgado

Bianca's Instagram: @biancataylorfitness

Bodybuilding Food Instagram: @veganbodybuildingfood

Nimai's Youtube

Bianca's Youtube


Social Media

Twitter: @ChickPeepsPod

Instagram: @ChickPeepsPod

Facebook: @ChickPeepsPodcast

Momoko Hill: @oh_momoko

Robbie Jarvis: @robbjarvis

Tylor Starr: @tylorstarr

Evanna Lynch: @msevylynch


In this special interview episode with Nathan Runkle, in honour of his new book, Tylor and Evy sit down with the game-changing Mercy For Animals founder to discuss his journey starting the charity at the age of 15, and charting the victories of his team of undercover investigators in their fight for the rights of farm animals. Nathan also shares stories from his life growing up on a farm in rural Ohio and how being a gay teen in a conservative environment strengthened his conviction for his mission. Also on this episode…

  • Nathan has a book out! 
  • Are children raised around animals more likely to be vegan?
  • Caesar the rat, the original muse of MFA
  • ‘We learn from our parents and then our parents learn from us’.
  • Growing up vegan in a long line of farmers.
  • ‘Best book I’ve ever read’ - Nathan’s Grandma
  • Hunting to survive vs. hunting as a hobby.
  • Nathan gives advice on how to go vegan without alienating your longsuffering familty: ‘Progress over Perfection’.
  • How MFA was born
  • The reality of being an undercover investigator for MFA
  • The balance between animal welfare and animal rights.
  • ‘I would not be able to sleep at night if I weren’t doing something for the animals that are right here, right now’ (Nathan’s thoughts on working for better animal welfare practices.)
  • How figure skating almost stole Nathan away from the animal rights community!
  • Do activists have time for fun?
  • Is online activism ‘slacktivism’ or does it really help?
  • Nathan shares a story about being beaten up because of his sexuality and how the experience of physical pain deepened his empathy for the plight of animals.
  • Tips on being a ‘joyful vegan’.


Mercy for Animals Website

Nathan's Book on Amazon (US) and Amazon (UK)

Nathan's Twitter: @nathanrunkle

Twitter: @mercyforanimals

Instagram: @mercyforanimals

Facebook: @mercyforanimals

Social Media

Twitter: @ChickPeepsPod

Instagram: @ChickPeepsPod

Facebook: @ChickPeepsPodcast

Momoko Hill: @oh_momoko

Robbie Jarvis: @robbjarvis

Tylor Starr: @tylorstarr

Evanna Lynch: @msevylynch



This week, Evy, Momo and Robbie get stuck into the topic of talking about being vegan with your curious, skeptical and/or indignant non-vegan peers in a positive, helpful, honest way that doesn’t leave you nibbling seitan sadly in a lone cubicle. Robbie and Evy interview the co-founders of Veganuary, Matthew Glover and Jane Land, to learn about what inspired them to found their charity and the extensive experience they have in educating family and friends on your vegan choices.

Also on this episode…

  • Robbie admits initial resistance to going vegan: ‘I didn’t want to be any weirder’.
  • Do vegans think they’re ‘better’ than other people??
  • Why vegan activism annoys the average person. Nobody is making cruel jokes about ‘Save the Children’…
  • Robbie pledges ‘not to say anything digitally that I wouldn’t in person’.
  • Family traditions and the role of food as an expression of love.
  • Happy Turkey Day - more aptly known as ‘Sad Turkey Day’.
  • How Veganuary was founded
  • Matthew explains how he and Jane met and opines that kissing vegetarians is not strictly vegan.
  • Apparently, you can go vegan in months other than January?!?!!!
  • The First Rule of Vegan Club.
  • The best ways to attract people to go vegan; ‘explain it to them with monosyllabic words’.
  • Matthew’s business proposal: a hotel for runaway vegan teenagers
  • Why do Veganuary.


Veganuary website

Twitter: @WeAreVeganuary

Instagram: @weareveganuary

Facebook: @Veganuary

Social Media

Twitter: @ChickPeepsPod

Instagram: @ChickPeepsPod

Facebook: @ChickPeepsPodcast

Momoko Hill: @oh_momoko

Robbie Jarvis: @robbjarvis

Tylor Starr: @tylorstarr

Evanna Lynch: @msevylynch